Remember those great calendars at the front of her magazine?  That was the first place I turned in every MS Living (just like I go the the celeb interview in Bon Appetite first.)  Month after month it was the same thought-does she do all of these random tasks so she has something to put on the calendar or is she naturally the type of person who plans to turn off her outdoor faucets on the 17th of November or clean her chandeliers on the 11th of December?

Umm, I just checked and in case you wondered, she does not schedule chandelier cleaning every December 11th.  I guess she can really mix it up.

 And now to the point of all this rambling-cleaning out the lint screen on the back of my hair dryer was what reminded me of Martha’s calendars.  Of course, I then thought that maybe I should remind you to clean out your lint collectors too. 🙂